One of our company’s employees will be waiting for you at the airport so you can stay rest assured. We will also welcome you with a Turkish delight to start your trip. As for the housing, we will help you in finding accommodation (we can help in booking a hotel for three days in case you do not want university housing)

We are in touch with sworn translators in Türkiye who are specialized in translating educational certificates. They also have specialization in understanding educational terms. We not only provide this service but also guarantee its quality.

We have more than ten years of experience in registering students and this service is provided only by our company. UNIYOL is distinguished in this service. One of our team employees will accompany you to the university to introduce you to it and give you a short tour of the place. They will also coordinate all the things you need for the registration process. We will go with you to the International Students Office to start the registration procedures and be with you step by step until you take the student document.

As for the resident permit, we will book the appointment for you and then complete the health insurance procedures. This is one of the conditions for applying for permit. After receiving your tax number, we will prepare the entire file to be submitted to the Immigration Department in Istanbul.

Of course, foreign students residing in Türkiye have the right to open bank accounts. A consultant appointed by UNIYOL will advise you on setting up bank accounts and the best ways to transfer money. We can also go with you to the bank and open your account.